847.262.9200 sales@flexsource.us

Sustainability Focused

This is Why We Care

Flexsource is committed to sustainability through preserving our precious energy resources while reducing the waste stream. We constantly strive to partner with local and regional companies that invest in R&D and environmental improvements in facilities, lean manufacturing processes, and the newest equipment and technologies.

Increasing demand for ‘greener’ packaging is leading to advances in films that are more earth friendly. Compostable and renewable structures are the newest part of this emerging segment that is evolving, in terms of cost and machinability. Flexsource is at the forefront in working with these organic structures.

By nature flexible packaging is more environmentally friendly than its rigid counterparts. And the manufacturing and converting processes for flexible packaging tend to use less natural resources, energy, and CO2 than other forms of rigid packaging. Here is an informative presentation from the FPA.

Sustainable Flexible Packaging at Flexsource








Raw Materials

Definition of Sustainable Packaging

As defined by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC):

The criteria presented here blend broad sustainability and industrial ecology objectives with business considerations and strategies that address the environmental concerns related to the life cycle of packaging. These criteria relate to the activities of the packaging value chain and define the areas in which we actively seek to encourage transformation, innovation, and optimization. We believe that by successfully addressing these criteria, packaging can be transformed into a closed loop flow of packaging materials in a system that is economically robust and provides benefit throughout its life cycle.


A sustainable packaging system:

Is beneficial, safe & healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle

Is sourced, manufactured, transported, and recycled using renewable energy

Optimizes the use of renewable or recycled source materials

Is beneficial, safe & healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle

Is manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices

Is physically designed to optimize materials and energy

Is effectively recovered and utilized in biological and/or industrial closed loop cycles

Sustainable Flexible Packaging at Flexsource



Lean manufacturing processes in place utilizing the newest equipment and highly skilled personnel

Recycling - Key element in a waste management program

Energy Conservation - The reduction of non-renewable energy consumption

Water Conservation - Managing the use of water used in production to protect the environment

Environmental Ethics - Minimize or eliminate harmful emissions which react in the atmosphere to produce acidification. Established processes are in place that protect our ecosystem and guard against pollution of ground water

Human Health - Providing a safe, non-toxic environment in which our employees and neighbors can thrive and flourish



Modern production facilities that are energy efficient

Modern layout of equipment for best and most efficient manufacturing

Reduced waste stream

Energy and water conservation

Reused or refurbished building materials



State of the art equipment enables our plants to minimize waste, use thinner gauged films, reduce run times, and reduce overall set-up waste

Our newer flexographic printing presses actually recapture 95% of the VOCs emitted during printing

Ecopure solvent recycling system reduces solvent usage and disposal


Raw Materials

Our commitment to buy locally/regionally from the leaders in our industry enables us to minimize transportation emissions

We utilize the latest high performance films that reduce the amount of material used to package your product. The result is lighter weight preformed pouches and roll stock that provide a higher product-to-packaging ratio, and help create fewer emissions during transportation

Recyclable Film types commonly used in In Flexible Packaging